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Setting up Atomic Wallet
Download and install
In order to enjoy the functionality of the Atomic Wallet, one first needs to go through a simple process of creating a wallet.
- Download the installation file for your operating system from the official website and install the app. If you’re setting up a mobile wallet, the process is even simpler, since you’ll be installing via a marketplace automatically. If you need more specific instructions regarding a certain platform, check out our installation guide!
- After that’s done, run Atomic wallet, click ’Create Wallet,’ set up a strong password, and click Set Password. Make sure it is a unique and secure password that you don’t use for anything else.
- You will now see a 12-word seed phrase that can be used to restore access to the wallet. Be sure to keep it in a safe and secret place! Then click ’Open Wallet.’
- That’s pretty much it! You can now use the Atomic wallet. Find your wallet address and you can deposit the funds right away.
You can find a step-by-step guide on creating a wallet in Atomic and if you encounter any difficulties with any of the steps, feel free to contact our customer support by filling out this form.