Algorand (ALGO) wallet

Manage your Algorand, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 1000 other coins and tokens.

Download Algorand Wallet

Trusted by 10,000,000 users worldwide

Instant Swap with Cashback

Swap Algorand for 1000+ crypto pairs anonymously and get up to 1% cashback

Swap Algorand

Buy Crypto

Buy Algorand and 20+ other assets using your bank card. We accept USD, EUR, and other local currencies across the world.

Buy Algorand

Stake and Earn

Earn up to 20% APY by staking ETH, SOL, ADA, TRX and 10+ other assets.

Stake crypto

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Why Choose Atomic Algorand wallet


No registration and KYC required to use the app. We don't track your data


Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device. Only you have control over your funds

24/7 Online Support

Fast support for your needs. Live chat and email support for customers from all over the globe.

Download Atomic Wallet






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Atomic Algorand wallet is an app used to safely store users' ALGO private keys. These keys are used to manage your funds. In addition to that, Atomic Wallet allows you to buy, exchange, stake, and securely store your ALGO!

Keep reading to learn more about the Algorand blockchain, different types of wallets, and Atomic Wallet.

Algorand blockchain

Algorand is a fast and secure next-generation blockchain, founded by a Turing award winner and MIT professor Silvio Micali. Algorand is often referred to as the green blockchain, due to the very low energy consumption of the network, accomplished by using smart contracts.

Algorand developers have also released their own wallet for the coin, called Pera wallet.

Types of crypto wallets

Cold ALGO wallets

Cold wallets provide users with an extra degree of security. It's usually a gadget that allows you to store your crypto's keys offline. To make a transaction you need to connect the gadget to the Internet.

Hot ALGO wallets

Another popular group of wallets for Algorand is hot wallets. It's an app installed on a phone or a desktop PC. It's software that interfaces with the blockchain directly and presents the information in a user-friendly way. You don't need to be a software engineer to access all the features hot wallet accounts can offer.

Web ALGO wallets

Web wallets are available through the web browser and are considered to be less secure, than other types of wallets. They are, however, easy to install, since it's just a browser extension and does not require you to download anything on your PC or mobile to manage your ALGO.

Why choose Atomic Wallet?


Atomic Algorand Wallet is available on a variety of platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, Ubuntu, etc. The full list of platforms is available on the download page. That means that you have fast and easy access to your Algorand no matter where you are and which hardware you use.

We don't use a traditional account system, so you can access your crypto from a different PC or mobile, using your 12-word phrase. If you purchase a new device, you can easily access your old wallet by simply restoring it with your 12-word phrase.

Multiple assets

With Atomic, you are not just relegated to using Algorand. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and hundreds of other coins and tokens are available, allowing you to store all your funds in one secure, decentralized wallet.

Best part? Atomic Wallet doesn't charge you any additional fees for managing your crypto.

Buy crypto

In our wallet you can buy Algorand and other crypto directly with a bank card, using your fiat money. All you need to do is to provide some information, like your name, billing information, etc. and undergo a verification process.

You can find a detailed, step-by-step guide on purchasing crypto in Atomic Wallet here.

Built-in crypto Exchange

If you are looking to capitalize on the price swings and actively trade, our built-in swap allows you to do just that. It supports more than 500 cryptocurrencies, allowing you to swap tokens without having to go through KYC protocols.

The swap also provides real-time prices for assets and cryptocurrency pairs, so you can ensure that you time the transaction to achieve the best possible value.

A step-by-step guide on swapping assets in Atomic Wallet is available here.


Atomic Wallet is a cold wallet (in contrast to, for example, the Pera ALGO wallet). It means that your Algorand private keys are securely stored locally, on your device. No one but you has access to them, not even our team. All user data is secured by a password providing you with complete control over your assets. While you keep your mnemonic seed in a safe place, no one can gain access to your money.

We also make sure your account remains anonymous and do not collect any of your data. Atomic Wallet is non-custodial, which means you are the only one in control of your crypto.

Cashback program

All Atomic Wallet users are entitled to receive cashback on their Buy and Swap ations. All you need to do to receive cashback is to make exchanges and purchases every month!

The cashback is paid out in AWC, our own token! The amount of cashback you'll receive depends on how many purchases or exchanges you made in a month (Algorand related or not) as well as how much AWC you're currently holding.


Atomic Wallet also supports staking for a number of coins. Stake your coins to get rewards and generate passive income right in the app.

Staking in Atomic Wallet is as secure as just holding your funds in your account, so why not stake them and get some rewards while you're at it?

Get your Algorand wallet today

Atomic Algo wallet is a secure way to store, manage and request ALGOs. The decentralized, non-custodial model of Atomic Wallet ensures the security and protection of your data and your funds.