Wanchain (WAN) wallet

Manage your Wanchain, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 1000 other coins and tokens.

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Swap Wanchain for 1000+ crypto pairs anonymously and get up to 1% cashback

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Buy Wanchain and 20+ other assets using your bank card. We accept USD, EUR, and other local currencies across the world.

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Earn up to 20% APY by staking ETH, SOL, ADA, TRX and 10+ other assets.

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Why Choose Atomic Wanchain wallet


No registration and KYC required to use the app. We don't track your data


Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device. Only you have control over your funds

24/7 Online Support

Fast support for your needs. Live chat and email support for customers from all over the globe.

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What is Wanchain (WAN)?

Wanchain (WAN) is a cryptocurrency that aims to develop a cross-chain financial platform where each organization or individual user will be able to offer banking services in every cell of the whole unite ecosystem.

What is Wanchain Wallet

Using a Wanchain wallet, any business structure, company, or ordinary user can pay bills in a multi-currency system. Interaction with both digital and fiat money is allowed, which significantly expands the scope of the platform.

There are various versions of digital wallets that support WAN for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems; however, they yet have to confirm their trustworthiness.
There is also available support for third-party physical wallets.

Wanchain Wallet Security

In terms of safe storage, the software and hardware ones are suitable. Hardware wallets are more secure because they are not at risk of hacking or viruses.
Among them are Ledger Wallet and Trezor.
Anyway, each of these wallets will cost you at least $100 and not so simple for everyday use as the software ones, like the Atomic Wallet.

Atomic Wallet provides the best conditions for maximum protection of cryptocurrencies and doesn’t ask for any confidential information from a user.

How does Atomic Wallet Work?

Atomic Wallet is multi-purpose storage that includes integrated digital assets swap and supports the atomic swaps feature. It is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Fedora, and even Debian.

The main goal is to vanish a line between simplicity and reliability, which makes it easy to access all levels of users. Moreover, private keys and other relevant data will always be kept only on your computer.

Where to keep Wanchain (WAN)?

Atomic Wallet aims to combine simplicity and power. Its use doesn’t require any technical experience and includes a set of available functions, including support for custom ERC-20 tokens and built-in cryptocurrency swap.

We are glad to give you the opportunity to store, exchange, and purchase WAN with a bank card. Atomic provides you everything you need just in one simple app that securely encrypts your data and gives you full control over your assets.