Ini Abasi Ekanem is a Nigerian Blockchain and Cryptocurrency researcher, writer, and author of "FTX: Trading the Future with Tokenized Stocks." With over four years of researching and writing about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Ini Abasi has a unique voice that speaks loudly to educate people about blockchain innovation and cryptocurrencies. Ini Abasi has written blockchain academic articles and has collaborated with blockchain projects including SPAC, DhdBank, Atomic Wallet, CoindustApp, and many more. Ini Abasi writes books that you won't be able to put down.
New Economy Movement, NEM, also called Smart Asset Blockchain is a blockchain that provides an efficient way to manage assets and data easily at low cost. One of the core aims for this innovation is to increase interoperability between private and public blockchain networks.
Polkadot is the flagship project of Web3 Foundation, a swiss authority established by Dr Gavin Wood to facilitate a fully functional and user-friendly decentralized web, designed to connect multiple specialized blockchains into one unified network. Focused on true interoperability, economic and transactional scalability, easy blockchain innovation and security, Polkadot is built to connect private and consortium chains, public and permissionless networks, oracles and future technologies that are yet to be created.
Atomic Wallet is universal non-custodial app for over 1000+ cryptocurrencies.
Secure, manage, exchange, buy and stake your assets and NFT's right in your hand!