
What is DBZ: A Crypto-Tribute to the legend

Paul Sazan
| Editor:
May 27, 2024
3 min read

Dragonball Z Tribute (DBZ) is a cryptocurrency project that kicked off in March 2024. It's a heartfelt nod to Akira Toriyama, the mastermind behind the Dragon Ball series. Toriyama's work has left a lasting impression on manga and anime lovers worldwide. The DBZ coin is a digital token that celebrates the series' legendary status, inviting fans to join in a unique tribute to this iconic artist.

Purpose of the Project

The Dragonball Z Tribute project is all about celebrating Akira Toriyama's massive impact on the manga and anime scene. After his passing on March 1, 2024, this initiative was launched to keep his spirit alive among Dragon Ball fans everywhere. Here's what the project aims to do:

  • Honor Toriyama's Creativity: The digital token is a tribute to Toriyama's creative brilliance, ensuring his contributions are remembered and celebrated.
  • Preserve His Legacy: The DBZ project offers a space for fans to honor Toriyama's work through events, discussions, and online interactions.
  • Ignite Passion: The initiative aims to spark excitement and unity within the Dragon Ball Z community.

Through these efforts, the Dragonball Z Tribute project not only honors Toriyama's legacy but also strengthens the bond within the fan community, ensuring his influence continues to inspire future generations.

Understanding DBZ Cryptocurrency

Price and Trading Volume

The Dragonball Z Tribute (DBZ) cryptocurrency has caught the eye of crypto fans. Right now, the live price of DBZ is $0.000001 USD. This low price point makes it an easy pick for investors wanting to mix up their portfolios.

When it comes to trading, the 24-hour trading volume for DBZ is $1,465,525 USD. This volume shows a decent level of interest and liquidity, which is key for those looking to buy or sell DBZ coins.

Market Cap and Coin Supply

Market cap is a big deal for understanding a cryptocurrency's value and stability. DBZ's current market cap is $702,185 USD, putting it at rank #1971 on CoinMarketCap. While it might seem small compared to the big players, it still shows a growing community of investors.

The supply of DBZ coins also affects its market behavior. DBZ has a circulating supply of 694,098,308,523 coins, with a max supply capped at 888,888,888,888 coins. This large supply can influence its price and market dynamics.

Understanding these key metrics can help crypto newbies and enthusiasts get a better grip on what DBZ is and how it fits into the broader cryptocurrency scene.

Community Engagement

The Dragonball Z Tribute project thrives on active community engagement, offering fans plenty of chances to participate and collaborate. This section dives into the collaborative initiatives and global fan participation that keep Akira Toriyama’s legacy alive.

Collaborative Initiatives

The Dragonball Z Tribute project provides a space for commemorations, fan events, and online discussions. These initiatives aim to honor Akira Toriyama's creativity and keep his legacy alive. By organizing and joining these activities, fans can connect with like-minded folks and celebrate their shared love for Dragon Ball Z.

Some key collaborative initiatives include:

  • Fan Art Contests: Fans can submit their artwork to be featured on the project's platform, fostering creativity and recognition.
  • Virtual Meetups: Online gatherings where fans can chat about their favorite episodes, characters, and story arcs.
  • Charity Events: Fundraising activities aimed at supporting causes that align with the values Toriyama promoted through his work.

These initiatives not only keep the Dragon Ball Z community engaged but also ensure that Toriyama's spirit stays vibrant and influential.

Global Fan Participation

The Dragonball Z Tribute project welcomes fans from all over the world to join in commemorations and discussions. This global fan participation is key to keeping the project's momentum and expanding its reach.

Some ways for global fan participation include:

  • Social Media Campaigns: Fans can share their experiences and memories using specific hashtags, creating a global conversation around Dragon Ball Z.
  • Online Forums: Dedicated spaces where fans can dive into deep discussions about the series, share theories, and connect with others.
  • Live Streaming Events: Interactive sessions with special guests, including voice actors, artists, and other contributors to the Dragon Ball Z universe.

By providing multiple platforms for engagement, the Dragonball Z Tribute project ensures that fans from different regions and backgrounds can come together to celebrate their love for the series.

Through these collaborative initiatives and global fan participation, the Dragonball Z Tribute project continues to fire up the passion of the strongest Dragon Ball Z community.

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